It is normal to feel slightly nervous about starting a new phone conversation especially if you are new to phone dating. With the right person whom you are interested in and they show interest in you, the conversation will flow easily and naturally. However here are some tips to continue the chat.

The easiest way to keep a conversation flowing is to take interest in the other person. Make your focus on them by active listening skills and asking questions about their life. If there is an awkward silence in the phone chat, you can easily recover by asking another question. You can also gage someone’s interest in you by how they respond. If it is short, maybe they do not have as much interest as you would hope for. If they are asking you questions after responding to your questions, you can tell they have genuine interest in finding out more about you on the partyline.

No person is perfect and sometimes a connection just is not there. If you make a mistake and insult someone accidentally the best way to recover is to say sorry and to move the conversation along. Just because you make a mistake does not necessarily mean the conversation and connection is dead. Try to move on and see if it takes you somewhere different.

Talking on the phone is a great way to get to know other people and it is also free. You really get to understand who a person is and see if you can click with them in one way or another. Don’t let your worries stop you from giving it a try. Like anything new, it can be a little daunting at first especially if you are shy but with time and practice it may turn out that you enjoy making connections in this fun fashion.